
About Metal Artscape™

Metal Artscape™ is dedicated to the design and production of one of the most interesting forms of art in the world today. Our paintings always catch people’s attention because they are so different from every other kind of painting you have probably looked at. What makes them so different is not only that the canvas we use is an aluminum alloy, but it’s the way they look when you look at them. They give off a very unique effect. When you look at them they make you look at them again, and you want to look at them from a different angle, and when you see them change, you want to try yet another angle as you try to “get it”. You wonder what’s happening with the painting and if it’s 3-dimensional or why it looks so interesting and why you want to keep looking at it.

Light Reflecting Technique

You wonder if it’s printed on acrylic or what could possibly make the image sort of dance in the light. Those with a keen sense of attention to detail might notice that the reason it reflects light so much and in so many directions is that it looks like the surface of the painting was actually scraped or grinded with something. We actually use hand-held power grinders that rotate at high speeds to mark the aluminum alloy substrate and give it its texture. Each design is brought to life in a similar way with this method, but the order of the steps that are required is different for each one. All of our paintings are made by hand, one at a time, by a skilled, trained artist.

We Can Do Custom

Although our catalog consists of a broad range of designs, we also create custom paintings. This means that if you have an image or picture of something you would like to bring to life in one of our creations, we might be able to do it. It all depends on the image you are trying to recreate, but we have done this for many complicated images. Besides creating custom designs, we can also create custom sizes for our current designs, so if you want a very large painting, we can do that for you as well. Creating the first finished painting of a new design is a long and iterative process, so it’s very expensive to have us only make one unit of a new design, but that does make the painting completely original, and many corporate customers and interior designers find that such an original piece in our unique style is well worth the price.

We ship paintings all over the world. We do not sell, share or trade customer information.